The JS Tutoring Blog

How To Ignite Your Child’s Spark

Jul 12, 2024

Get Your Child Enjoying Their Homework 

We all remember what we wanted to be when we grew up. Whether it was to become a skate dancer or a Superhero, we all had a dream once upon a time. So we know very well that the same is with our children.


Granted, our dreams and plans evolve with age, but that burning passion we once possessed as children is one of the most magical powers our children have.


Few things are more exciting than seeing your child happy and excited about learning something new or doing something they enjoy. Discovering their spark can help your child find some purpose in their world and escape the stress of everyday life.


Every parent wants their child to feel passionate about what they do, to pursue interests that fuel happiness and provide a sense of accomplishment.


So, how do you ignite your child’s spark? Begin by thinking of a time you’ve seen them truly happy and what were they doing at that moment.


Here are some things you can try to help keep the communication lines open while growing your child’s spark.


Listen to your children


When you hear them use words like ‘love’, ‘passion’, ‘excited’, this can help you discover what matters most to them. Listen carefully, and when you hear them excited about something, talk to them about it and see what you can do to help them nurture it in a positive way. No matter how big or small that thing is, be sure to encourage them to talk about it. Offer opportunities. Research it together, tell them what you know about the topic already and give them a chance to discover more whenever you possibly can.


Let them experiment


Let your children experiment. Taking risks and experimenting with new things helps young people learn about themselves and find their ‘spark’. Encourage them to experiment (safely) by trying new things. Such activities could include sports like rock-climbing, mountain biking, martial arts, dance or gymnastics, auditioning for the school musical or playing in the school band, getting involved in a just cause or nominating for a leadership position at school. It’s a valuable way for them to learn about themselves and develop skills to help them in their lives.


Make time for creativity


A powerful way to help your child find their spark is making time to be creative, at any age. When they are younger, creating a space for them to paint and draw or read and write can help them learn and grow. Encourage your child to ask questions and look for answers to their problems through books, the Internet, talking to other people and observing the world around them.


Get outside


Encourage your child to get outside and explore. Nature holds endless possibilities for stimulating kids’ curiosity and allowing them to test themselves physically. Physical activity also has positive effects on kids’ mental health and wellbeing.

Schedule Ideas For Homeschooling

Play, play, play


Play is a wonderful way for kids to find out what they enjoy. By tapping into their imagination and creativity, they can ignite their inner spark. Feel free to encourage them to make a mess as part of this process.


Just be together, often.


Create a special time of day you spend time talking with your kids. It is a time when they feel comfortable to talk about anything and everything. This is a time when you really get to know your kids on a different level and really see what thoughts they are having and what is lighting them up.


Emphasise the Possibility of NOW


Many children believe they need to wait until they’re older to go after their dreams. But it’s never too early to start planning for a future. If your child has fun doing what they do, then they’ll be more productive. They’ll spend more time thinking, learning, and doing their passion. They will learn to focus their goals around those things that bring them enjoyment.


Gaining new skills and improving their performance are great motivators, which can be accomplished through deliberate practice. This is where each activity is broken down into the smallest possible segments so that each step can be mastered.


Ask good questions


It is amazing what children come up with when given time to speak and a new topic. By asking open-ended, imaginative questions, kids have fun answering. This sparks a child’s imagination and provides you with a more in-depth insight into what makes each of your children tick and what they are passionate about.


Know your own spark


It is easy for us to lose our own spark, and so easy to forget what we actually love to do. When we lose our ‘happy place’ kids no longer have a role model for finding theirs. When they see us in our ‘happy place’ or to have our spark, it is easier for them to know what theirs is.


Once you grow your child’s spark, you will give your child the wings they were born with to fly, and you can sit on the sidelines and watch them develop and go to their new life with encouragement. And remember, the end game is to raise a happy and healthy child. Let’s help them find opportunities where they can succeed, grow, and develop a life-long passion for trying new things.


Sharan (JS Tutoring)


Sharan Spall BSc (Hons) First Class is Lead Learning Mentor & Private Tutor, Founder and Director at JS Tutoring.


Experienced in professional Private Tutoring and Mentoring for over 10 years, she has a large portfolio of over 200 successful clients.

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